Sci Fi Reading List
Reading is the easiest way to time travel and explore alternate states of reality and universes with different rules and norms. Let me know what I'm missing! Always looking for some good mind benders.​
Dan Simmons | Hyperion Cantos
Cixin Liu | Three Body Problem
Hannu Rajaniemi | The Quantum Thief (Book 1) + the entire Jean le Flambeur Trilogy
Frank Herbert | Dune Series, especially Dune and Children of Dune
Neal Stephenson | the Diamond Age, Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon
William Gibson | the entire Sprawl Trilogy, starting with Neuromancer
Adrian Tchaikovsky | Children of Time, Children of Ruin
James S.A. Corey | The Expanse Series
China Miéville | Perdido Street Station + the New Crobuzon Series
Iain M. Banks | The Culture Series
Yoon Ha Lee | Ninefox Gambit + Machineries of Empire Series
Isaac Asimov | I, Robot and The Foundation Series
Greg Egan | Eon Series, Permutation City, Diaspora
Orson Scott Card | Ender’s Game
- Margaret Atwood | Oryx & Crake (Book 1) + the entire MaddAddam Trilogy
Poul Anderson | Tau Zero
Karl Schroeder | Lady of Mazes
Peter Watts | Blindsight (Book 1) + the entire Firefall Series
Alastair Reynolds | Revelation Space Series
Martha Wells | Murderbot Diaries
Richard K Morgan | Altered Carbon series, aka the Takeshi Kovacs Novels
John Brunner | Shockwave Rider, Stand on Zanzibar
NK Jemisin | Entire Stone Sky / Broken Earth Trilogy
James Halperin | The Truth Machine
Ann Leckie | Ancillary Justice, the Imperial Ranch Series
Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson | The Wheel of Time Series (Books 1,2,3 then 9 - 12)
Stanislaw Lem | His Master's Voice
Mary Robinette Kowal | The Calculating Stars
Ramez Naam | Nexus Series
Robert A Heinlein | The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Arkady Martine | A Memory Called Empire
Lois McMaster Bujol | Vorkosigan Saga
Pierce Brown | Red Rising Series
Nnedi Okorafor | Lagoon
Paolo Bacigalupi | The Windup Girl
Chang-Rae Lee | On Such a Full Sea
Patrick Rothfuss | The Name of the Wind / The Kingkiller Chronicles (book 3 soon plz)
Mary Doria Russel | The Sparrow + Sparrow Series
Linda Negate | The Last Good Man
Saladin Ahmed | Throne of the Crescent Moon
John Scalzi | Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas
Katherine Addison | The Goblin Emperor
Charles Stross | Neptune's Brood, Accelerando + the Singularity Series
Annalee Newitz | Autonomous
M.R. Carey | The Girl with All the Gifts
Dennis Taylor | Bobiverse Series
Yevgeny Zamyatin | We
Catherynne M. Valente | Palimpsest
Bernard Werber | Empire of the Ants
Blake Crouch | Dark Matter
Olaf Stapledon | Last and First Men
Olivia E Butler | Seed to Harvest, The Patternist Series
John C Wright | Awake in the Night Land
John Wyndham | The Chrysalids
Peter F Hamilton | Salvation + the Salvation Sequence Series
Connie Willis | Black Out + the All Clear Series
Jeff VanderMeer | Annihilation + the entire Southern Reach Trilogy
Tal M Klein | The Punch Escrow
Ted Kosmatka | The Flicker Men
Michael Chabon | The Yiddish Policemen’s Union
Andy Weir | Artemis
Robert Charles Wilson | Spin, The Chronoliths
Neil Asher | The Owner Trilogy
Naomi Novik | His Majesty’s Dragon
Jason N Hough | Zero World
Paco Ahlgren | Discipline
Larry Niven | Ringworld Series
Malka Older | Infomocracy + the Centennial Cycle
Adam Roberts | The Thing Itself
Hugh Howey | Wool / Shift / Dust
Daniel Suarez | Daemon, Freedom
Bruce Sterling | Schismatrix